In episode 69, Rosie and Jessica have been getting ready for Christmas and occasionally appearing onstage at the BFI. Jessica got to indulge in her favourite of all activities and Rosie has a shocking confession. Plus breakfast cereals, songs and draught excluders!
You can listen to it on iTunes or online here:
This week’s songs
Jessica picked Roll To Me by Del Amitri, while Rosie went for Flesh Without Blood by Grimes.
If you would like to experience the full force of a Kermodian rant, may be recommend Sex and the City 2 and the Entou-rage?
Needle and Fed
Rosie’s Knit-ivity is now finished and is the towering achievement of human civilisation.
I always let my mom pick the themes for each angel cookie. She wanted Miss Fisher.
— petra mayer (@Petramatic) December 13, 2015
Please read this review of Morrissey’s book but please do not in any way read the actual book.
Earn your Girl Scout Catalog Reading badge.
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