Episode 95: Shredders and Funemployment

In episode 95, Rosie and Jessica are just about prepared to talk about Jessica’s new found period of funemployment. Rosie’s had two breakfasts and access to some Tangfastics and Jessica has shredded just about anything that can be shredded. Austenland gets a late-review and we check in with the Chichester Nobbly Bobblys.

You can listen to it on iTunes or online here:

This week’s songs
Jessica picked Who Loves You by Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons, while Rosie went for Carol Brown by Flight of the Conchords.

Playlists of all our song choices are available on Spotify! Here are Jessica‘s and Rosie‘s.

Needle and Fed
Rosie has solved her three-ply problem and cast on the Rheinlust shawl.

Finally decorated this year's Simnel Cake. What a babe.

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Can you believe we live in a world where something as perfect as Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman hosting a craft competition is allowed to exist?

Rosie was on Radio 4’s Film Programme discussing Nora Ephron.


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