In episode 86, Rosie and Jessica reminisce over their time in New York as autumn arrives on the scene. There is much Bake Off sadness, which they manage to pack away as they discuss Biscuits, Bread and Batter in an alliterative Bake Off chat. Plus a washing machine! What larks.
You can listen to it on iTunes or online here:
This week’s songs
Jessica picked In the Backyard by Hayseed Dixie, while Rosie went for Bless the Telephone by Labi Siffre.
Playlists of all our song choices are available on Spotify! Here are Jessica‘s and Rosie‘s.
Needle and Fed
Jessica is completely helpless over this Vine.
I cannot stop watching this! Send help!
— Jessica (@ohsewjessica) September 4, 2016
Turns out we could love Grace’s podcast more when her mom and sister were guests!
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