Episode 117: Holidays and Handcarts

In episode 117, Rosie and Jessica make a triumphant return to the studio to catch up on the events of the past few months. There have been holidays, business purchases, the ruin of a once great nation and our favourite formerly dead horny raccoon. Plus our annual fundraiser for Crisis at Christmas which you can donate to and make someone’s Christmas merry and bright.

You can listen to it on iTunes or online here:

This week’s songs
Jessica picked Please Don’t Say You Love Me by Gabrielle Aplin, while Rosie went for Both Sides Now by Judy Collins.

Playlists of all our song choices are available on Spotify! Here are Jessica‘s and Rosie‘s.

Needle and Fed

There’s been lots of activity on the needles and hooks! Rosie made a hat and socks and is working on her Volt Sweater. Jessica is planning a basic beanie and a Baby Hausschuhe. And not forgetting Marisol the mouse!

Why not liven up your wedding with a drunk clown?

I’m sure you’ll agree with this piece on Christine McConnell’s hottest dish.

This Netflix binge session, we recommend Accidentally in Love and Switched.

You didn’t know you needed this duet between Dr. Maya Angelou and Jessica Mitford but you did.

Rosie and Jessica badges are now available in our shop!


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