In episode 11, we venture back outside the studio for a broadcast from the Guide shed. We hear all about what the Guides did on their outdoor cooking day, Rosie’s been gallivanting across London and some Top 5 guidelines for navigating London’s public transport. Plus a report from the Reduced Shakespeare Company’s Complete World of Sports (Abridged).
You can listen to it on Mixcloud, on iTunes or online here:
Seriously, 3 weeks is far too long to have to wait for more podcasting action. I am going to be number 11 in the bucket line and calling for people to pass me tea, nice stationary and more day-of-fun episodes.
P.S. Don’t know if you’ll remember this but we met at Mega and swapped friend-making cards. Because nothing says friends like a formal exchange of business cards. Have been listening ever since and genuinely hooked. Listening to the podcast is a bit like listening to someone narrate my life. Uncanny.
P.P.S. See Matilda if you haven’t already. Easy into the top 5 musicals.
P.P.P.S. Swarley!
P.P.P.P.S. Have developed bizarre internet tendency to overdo the ole’ PS’s and leave insane quantity of information in response to blogs. Will attempt to curb habit.
Hola! I have finally fired up the editing booth and Episode 12 is grinding along, so you should have less than 24 hours – can you cling on that long?! 😉
The bucket line will mainly be used for nice stationery, I am hoping to position myself very near a Paperchase so I get to pass it all out.
PS – We remember you! It was my first business card exchange, I felt very grown up and proper-like. I (Rosie) subscribed to your blog and am super super impressed by your scrapbooking. My diary is colour co-ordinated by activity, does this count? Yay! Really glad you like the ol’ show, we should be back on a regular schedule from here on in.
PPS – We’re trying to take the Guides but it’s always booked up.
PPPS – That was Jessica. Good work Jessica.
PPPPS – Is it catching?