In episode 79, Rosie and Jessica are joined by their beloved transatlantic sister-friends, Dames Sophie and Margaret of Two Bossy Dames for a special, bumper episode. They share the Top 5 things about Britain and America, which, unsurprisingly, is mainly food-based. There is delight, giggling, friendship, marvelling at crisps and Pop Tarts, misadventures at the DMV and all in all, a good time is had by all.
You can listen to it on iTunes or online here:
This week’s songs
Jessica picked Dirty Little Secret by The All-American Rejects, while Rosie went for Colours by Genevieve. Both Margaret and Sophie picked songs from Beyoncé’s Lemonade, which can be streamed on Tidal.
Needle and Fed
Rosie has been knitting like a fury! She’s made one, not very useful sock, a hat with ears, and a Mystery Knit-Along elf!
Sophie is teasing us all with her raspberry macaroon tart and chocolate idiot cake!
Obviously you will now want to hear more from Margaret and Sophie every week – you’re only human! Hop to it and subscribe to their newsletter, Two Bossy Dames!
Best podcast name or best podcast name? Best podcast name.
Calvin and Daveed Diggs.
Our Dames recommend ColourPop cosmetics and Glossier’s Balm Dotcom.
And now, some embedded videos!
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